The “Non-Negotiables” In Our Marriage

When Mike & I married we didn’t really realise it but we had 5 core values that made up the none-negotiables of our marriage. Regardless of where you are in your life – you may be single, newly wed, long time married, single again. If you are single and looking, these are good none-negotiables to have in mind. If you have been married a long time, it’s always good to look back and reflect on what made your marriage work in the first place.

  1. When we married, we made the second most important decision of our lives, the first being our commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. Wedding invitation inside

    Since we have married, we have always come back to Christ. He is the only One that can fix our issues. With Him first, we find ourselves submitting to one another and humbling ourselves because we want to honour God first.

  2. Divorce is not an option. I haven’t got much to say about this, except to say, we don’t ever imagine ourselves divorced. It’s painful and upsetting and devastating, so it’s not an option – for both of us.

  3. Our love is unconditional. Good times, bad times, happy times, sad time, we love each other when we wake up in the morning and when we go to bed at night. There is a chemistry between Mike & I that began when we met and continues to this very day. Mike and Helga kissing in Paris

  4. Respect at all times. There is no mud-slinging, harsh accusational words or furious outbursts between us. Does that mean we agree on everything? Absolutely not! Does it mean we don’t get angry with one another? No. But our irritation doesn’t overflow into a burning volcanic eruption. Instead of going that way, we simmer down and soon we are trying to see the others point of view. There is something to be said about backing down and letting the other get their way. Someone has to be the hero. We both have had to take that option.  

  5. Trust at all times. Integrity is an essential part of any marriage relationship. I trust Mike. I trust that he wants what’s best for us. If I knew back in 1985 what I know now about Mike van Niekerk, I would have said, ‘let’s get married!’ and rushed him down the aisle. This guy is a keeper. He has proven his trust. 

    Genesis 2:18

    The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.

I’m so glad I became Mike’s suitable helper.

Keep the smile going!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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