Can I Give You A Hug? – 6 Powerful Words.

I was bowled over. It’s hard for me to put into words the magnitude and powerful impact these words had on me. I think the reason I was so floored by them, was because, truth be told, I was the one that should have said them and not been on the receiving end of the question.  I got the hug. I absolutely hugged back. But I walked away in wonder. I had experienced something super-natural.

I had taken a meal to a family who are going through a very difficult time. When severe ill-health strikes a home, one feels so helpless. I pray every day for them. Taking a  meal was just something practical – just so you feel you are doing ‘something.’  R is sick – very sick. M is his wife. She is in complete distress over all that is happening. I actually have never met R&M before. I have seen her on FB and have read her (incredibly well-written) blog but we’ve never been introduced before.

I handed the meal over to M’s Mom and as I was about to leave, I got trapped into a conversation with the local neighbourhood watch man. While we were talking, M arrived home. What do you say to someone you have actually never met who is suffering the worst nightmare of her life?. I smiled weakly. The neighbourhood watch man talked on. M got out the car and walked across to the gate. In the background the neighbourhood watch guy kept on talking. He knows nothing of what is going on in this house. His focus is security. I wanted him to stop so I could focus on M. As she passed me, I turned to her and asked, ‘so is today a better day?’

Ignoring my question, she responded with 6 powerful words, “Can I give you a hug?’

We hugged. A long comforting sincere hug. Give a hug get a hug

Then she said, “I’m serious, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all your support.”

It floored me. It humbled me.

I mumbled something about it being the least I could do.

In that moment, M displayed a quality that can only be described as Christ-like. Amidst her worst life trial, she was looking outside of herself. She was showing gratitude. The Holy Spirit had risen up inside of her when she spoke the words, ‘can I give you a hug’. She unwittingly ministered to my ‘un-huggy’ soul. That’s how it’s done.

Thank you M.

God has used you.

“Can I give you a hug?” Try it sometime.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga x

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