A Beautiful Book


You may have noticed one of the tabs on my blog is Richard’s Work. Richard is a linguist of note. A few years ago, he recorded for the the Rise and Shine show in a feature we called “Words from the Word.”  He would take a word from the Bible and simply explain it in light of the original Hebrew or Greek.   Richard has spent a great deal of the last year or two, compiling what he wrote and recorded for Rise and Shine and has published a book of the readings. He worked along with well known calligrapher Andrew van der Merwe. This is the cover…

Words from the WordInside each piece has the Bible verse in Andrew’s calligraphy…

Sample of calligraphy Romans 12 vs 1And on the opposite page, Richard’s explanation…this is just half the page so you can read it…

Richards explaination of Romans 12 1At the bottom right hand corner, helpfully, there is a note as to how to pronounce the word in its original language…

Pronunciation of word logikosIt’s a great gift. You can learn more about Richard here.

It is a fabulous gift for both laymen and pastors alike. If you would like to contact Richard for prices and availability email rjhillier@yahoo.com.

Thanks Richard for my copy.

Romans 12:1

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gratitude…I have been enjoying these from my tomato plant. This was my first…

First fruit - cherry tomato on my dashboard

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